Getting Up to Speed: Your Rights and Options in Bicycle Accidents
Getting Up to Speed: Your Rights and Options in Bicycle Accidents When warmer weather hits, more and more people take their bicycles out on the roads. You could be on your way to work, on your way to school, running some errands, or maybe just going for a ride—regardless, in the eyes of Washington State […]
Contributory Negligence in Washington State
What is Contributory Negligence and does it affect us in Washington State. As an attorney, about half of my casework consists of personal injury law. Personally, I enjoy helping clients faced with terrible and unexpected situations to get their lives back on track. This casework isn’t cut-and-dry. In addition to the ordinary issues—causation, evidence, damages, […]
Strategies Insurance Companies Use Against You
I don’t recall ever hearing from anyone that has been injured by a third-party that dealing with their insurance company was easy. Because of this anomaly is why so many injured people seek out attorneys. The reality is that insurance adjuster’s jobs are to make the process as difficult as possible within the boundaries of […]
Analysis of Washington State’s Per se Marijuana DUI Law
Analysis of Washington State’s Per se Marijuana DUI law At the end of 2012, a new Washington legalized marijuana went into effect. Part of the law that legalized marijuana use, also created a new marijuana driving under the influence (DUI) standard. Currently, RCW as amended to reflect the new Marijuana DU per se law states: […]
Kirkland Holiday DUI Patrol
Kirkland, Washington is stepping up their DUI game for the upcoming holidays. Kirkland Police are warning people that there is going to be an increased number of officers looking for drunk or drugged drivers between now and New Years Day. Kirkland Police are paying special attention the drivers driving after using Marijuana. According to a […]